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"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity." -John Muir In all of the places I have visited thus far, Ecuador has had the biggest impact on me. It is the most amazing place I have ever been to, it is the place that opened my eyes to true beauty. I spent a week travelling by bus through the entire country, over-nighting in hostels, moving from one city to the next. I have never been to a country soo diverse in what it has to offer, one day I was hiking up a path to a huge waterfall and the next day I was touring Inca ruins. I even got the opportunity to pet an Alpaca! The architecture from the houses to the grand churches were works of art but what I loved the most were the mountains. Driving from one city to the next, the landscape was amazing to see, with lush green farm lands going on and on to huge mountains in the distance. I definitely recommend checking E

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