New York City

"One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years.
                                                                    - Tom Wolfe

New York City is one of my favorite places in the world and probably the place I am most excited to share with you  all. I fell in love with NYC , well to be more specific Manhattan when I was 16 years old. It was my first love, well to be honest it probably is a lot people's first love. I think the thing that I loved about it was just how alive the city was, there was always something happening, always people moving. NYC has a way of making you feel connected to everything but at the same time it allowed you anonymity, you were just another body among the sea of bodies on the move. The city is fluid which makes it unpredictable, it keeps you in an adrenaline rush- like state augmented by bright lights, loud noises and big buildings.

New York City is the largest city in the United States of America, comprising of 5 boroughs and can be located where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean.

Toggle the Google Map below for more location information on New York! 

If you want to see the beauty of NYC at night, check out the video below by NYONair.

Link to the original video:

Another favorite NYC video of mine can be seen below. For me it captures the true essence of being young and impressionable in NYC, video by Ollie Ritchie.

Link to the original video:

Recommended things to do in NYC and places to visit:
  • Spend a couple of hours in Central Park
  • Walk as much places as possible in Manhattan 
  • Try street food
  • Eat pizza standing up
  • Visit Time Square
  • Look up, the buildings are inspiring 
Let me know in the comments below if you've ever been to NYC or plan on going one day. Also let me know your favorite NYC spots or things to do in the city.

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  1. New York seems like fun, can wait to go!!!!!

    1. I definitely recommend it! Everybody should go at least once.

  2. Lived and studied in NYC for a year. It is the melting pot for global cultural diversity. Not to many places to see in my opinion.... but infinite experiences.

    1. Soo true Jesse, there is nothing like living the same day in NYC. Must have been great living and studying there for a year, I wish I could do the same.

  3. I agree with the quote at the beginning. New York is definitely my home away from home.

  4. Will add to my list of places to visit.

  5. I have to go there..... just to shop lol

  6. It's great, when ur there u forget about everything else.

  7. Definitely one of the places i want to visit within the near future. Now i'm even more anxious to go


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